Our Industry Has Changed – Better or Worse?
A career as a wedding photographer can be both lucrative and rewarding. The professional wedding photographer is competing with...
It all Starts with the Wedding Shoes!
Ah the good old wedding shoes debate. Classic or trendy? which one will you decide on the day? Classic will stay in fashion and...
Australia’s Premier Wedding Photography Studio
It is very much possible for you to be overwhelmed and intimidated with all talks about the packages, pricing, contracts, styles,...
Choosing an Alternative Wedding Photographer in Melbourne
Wedding is not just an event, it is a journey that two people have decided to take. Wedding photography may not be a mainstream...
Cheapest is not the best in Wedding Photography
You should not be looking for the cheapest wedding photographer in Melbourne. Its that age old saying “ You pay for what you get...
Is Traditional Wedding Photography Still Relevant?
Traditional photography, also called classic photography involves posing for a photograph in a sit-still manner. This dated...
Why A Wedding Photographer in Melbourne is Important?
One of the most important aspects of planning a wedding is of course planning to have great wedding pictures! Our wedding...
Life is a Journey…. Marriage is one of those Steps
Life is a journey, and marriage is a option to formally announce to the world that you just won’t be taking the trip alone....
Who Will do the Wedding Catering?
Weddings are a complex affair. At one moment, you can be in total control, while the next could be a total disaster. Not just...
How to Tell Good Photography from Bad?
How can you tell good photography from bad? Well it’s easy – what emotions do you feel when you look at picture. If you...
Your Dream Wedding Dress is Here
It is not always the most expensive wedding dress that is the best. Prices which the dress is sold can be determined by lots of...